
Audit and optimization

We improve the performance of the site and improve its technical condition

Why is it needed?

Auditing and optimizing the technical condition of the site allows you to identify and eliminate problems that cause the site to work slowly and consume too many resources of users’ devices and the server. Today, site audit and optimization are an integral part of efficient work and saving money in the future on alterations and changes.

What gives audit and technical optimization?

The audit allows you to solve problems associated with the lack of sales and low positions in search results.

Saving time and money

Identified technical problems of the site and their timely elimination will allow you to reduce the cost of promoting the site in the future.

Site attractiveness

Improving usability and design will make your site more attractive and accessible to users.

Types of site audit

UX\UI Audit (website usability)

This type is necessary for sites that need to determine how clear and easy to use the site’s interface is, as well as identify weaknesses in design, structure and navigation in order to correct them.

Technical audit

We analyze the technical performance of the site that affects its performance: code optimization, loading speed, site layout errors, technical inconsistencies in the CMS, image size, etc.

SEO audit

We analyze the degree of internal optimization of the site, check the quality of external links, identify factors that may have a negative impact on search engine promotion. Based on the analysis, we develop SEO recommendations.

Marketing audit

We conduct an in-depth audit of the effectiveness of advertising a product (website) on the Internet: we analyze competitors, target and current consumers, behavioral factors of the audience, etc. We draw up a plan for global renewal and adjustment of the company’s marketing strategy.

Work plan

01 Analysis
We carry out a detailed analysis of your site, identify problems and prioritize their elimination.


02 Setting
We make the site faster. We select the optimal settings of server operating systems for the features of the site in order to rationally use the resources of the equipment.


03 Refactoring
We fix non-optimal decisions in the code that require extra time to execute and increase resource consumption.


04 Security
We find malicious code that uses the resources of your hardware in the interests of attackers. We delete or deactivate it, eliminate the consequences of infection. We carry out hardware setup, install software and security certificates to protect your site.

Our clients

Our portfolio contains completed projects both with startups and large organizations. We are always interested in joint long-term work on ambitious projects. We believe that sincerity and mutual understanding contribute to building better relationships, helping to achieve better results in cooperation. We are proud of all our clients and if you are interested in successful collaboration, we will be glad to become a reliable performer for you.

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